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Logistics and Transportation

Accessible Back Office Support Services from Saint Lucia

Work with the experts in nearshore transportation and logistics sector.

Keep your operations running smoothly with precision back office services.

Outsourcing supply chain management ensures on-time delivery with expert execution.

Expert Analysis

Delegating your financial analysis helps identify opportunities and pinpoint trends.

Process Execution

Our fresh approach to back office administrative support ensures smoother operations with tangible results.

People Management Expertise

From recruiting to retirement, our HR Advisory services covers the complete lifecycle of your employees.

Industry Expertise

Clients select Ascension BPM to access our expert advice and industry experience.

Unmatched Expertise in Select Services

Ascension BPM offers unmatched services in a few select areas – Finance & Accounting, Professional Services and HR Advisory. We’re foucsed on these areas to offer bespoke services to make a difference in your business.

Finance & Accounting Services

Hire the ideal outsourced finance & accounting team for less. Our highly trained accountants and bookkeepers help you control your finances to uncover hidden savings to improve efficiency. Outsourcing your back office finance team gives you the flexibility to focus on core business while trusting Ascension BPM o deliver results

Professional Services

Scale your business Rapidly with outsourced Professional Services.

Our customized professional services reduce costs, improve efficiency and drive revenue growth by deploying highly trained personnel who are dedicated to your account.

Human Resource Advisory

Rely on the leader of PEO & EOR solutions throughout the Caribbean. Our comprehensive Professional Employer Service solutions for all Caribbean nations simplify the HR management of your teams – from recruitment to retirement.

Logistics and Transportation

Accessible Back Office Support Services from Saint Lucia

Work with the experts in nearshore transportation and logistics sector.

Request a Call

Keep your operations running smoothly with precision back office services.

Outsourcing supply chain management ensures on-time delivery with expert execution.

Expert Analysis

Delegating your financial analysis helps identify opportunities and pinpoint trends.

Process Execution

Our fresh approach to back office administrative support ensures smoother operations with tangible results.

People Management Expertise

From recruiting to retirement, our HR Advisory services covers the complete lifecycle of your employees.

Industry Expertise

Clients select Ascension BPM to access our expert advice and industry experience.

Unmatched Expertise in Select Services

Ascension BPM offers unmatched services in a few select areas – Finance & Accounting, Professional Services and HR Advisory. We’re foucsed on these areas to offer bespoke services to make a difference in your business.

Finance & Accounting Services

Hire the ideal outsourced finance & accounting team for less. Our highly trained accountants and bookkeepers help you control your finances to uncover hidden savings to improve efficiency. Outsourcing your back office finance team gives you the flexibility to focus on core business while trusting Ascension BPM o deliver results

Professional Services

Scale your business Rapidly with outsourced Professional Services.

Our customized professional services reduce costs, improve efficiency and drive revenue growth by deploying highly trained personnel who are dedicated to your account.

Human Resource Advisory

Rely on the leader of PEO & EOR solutions throughout the Caribbean. Our comprehensive Professional Employer Service solutions for all Caribbean nations simplify the HR management of your teams – from recruitment to retirement.

Regional Professional Insight of the Caribbean.

Our uncommon insight of U.S. domestic and Caribbean governments and regulations afford you expertise that is rare among PEO and EOR providers.